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January 27th, 2009
City of Salem
Youth Commission
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 27th, 2009
5:00 pm

In Attendance:  Joanne Scott (Chair), Eileen Dunn, Bil Legault, Vanessa Marshall, Peter Baglioni
City Staff:          Jason Silva, Tom Watkins
Joanne opened up the meeting.  The group introduced themselves to all.  Meeting minutes from the December meeting were reviewed and approved.  

Winter Wonderland
The Youth Commission will be co-hosting the Winter Wonderland event this year with the City’s Park and Recreation Department.  The event will be held on February 19th from 12:30 – 2:30 and will be located at Olde Salem Greens.  

Joanne stated that she will get the hot dogs for the event.  Eileen will work on the drinks, cookies and rolls.  Bil will talk with Peter Ingemi from Steve’s Market about having some rolls donated and will also talk to Peter Dragon on Engine House Pizza to donate some pizza.  The group will be planning for 250 children.  Peter said he will help in distributing the food at the event.  Eileen will talk to Dick Drew about the maintenance and use of the indoor facility at Olde Salem Greens.  

The event is weather dependent and a decision about canceling the event will be made on the Tuesday before the event date.    

Bil will see what games, materials and clothes (such as hats and gloves) the YMCA can bring to the event. He will also talk to Deb about having some YMCA staff to help out.  Joanne said all her staff from the Boys & Girls Club will be on hand to help out.  Matt Carr from the Boys & Girls Club can help organize some of the games.  Eileen and Joanne will bring supplies to make snowmen.  Peter will talk to Atlantic Ambulance and ask if they can volunteer their time to be present at the event.  

-Getting the Word Out
Eileen will work on the flyer and email it to group.  Tom will ask Lisa Cammaratta, the City’s Human Resources Director, to translate it to Spanish so it may distributed through the schools.  Tom will post the event info on the City website and email it to all his contact lists.  Jason and Tom will work on a press release for the event.  

 Post Winter Wonderland
The group will need to start thinking about plans for this year’s Youth Week in April.  Bil mentioned that he is planning a bike ride that he would like to incorporate into Youth Week.  He would also like to organize a scavenger hunt.  Group will concentrate on Youth Week at their next meeting.  

Joanne stated that it is important that we all keep in mind the City’s youth during such hard economic times.  

Eileen thought it might be worthwhile to organize a bottle/can drive.  

Eileen will check on a date for Child Safety Day in September and email date to group.    

Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 17th, 2009 at 5:00 pm.      
The Meeting adjourned at 6:10 pm  
Meeting minutes recorded by Tom Watkins